

shOuld sAy ...
hApPy bIRthdAy 2 My mUmMy... =)
juZ a vEry siMplE cElebRAtiON 2 u....
hoPE u wiLl hApPy tOo...

suDdeNLy hAv A bAd feEliNg iN my hEArt...
duNNo y...
i fEeL tAt...
mY spEed iS slOW..
nO mAttEr wAt i M doINg...
jUZ sloW slOW n slOW..
i m wAstINg my tIME...
thE wORd  积极 iS fUlLy gONE fRoM mE..
hEy, CHIYEEN duN wAstE uR tiME AnymORe...
积极 5 5 cuM bAck 2 mE.... plS...

 suMtiMEs i reAlly bEh tAhAn..
y pEoplE cAn alWays juZ
thINK abOUt thEmsElvEs...
nEvEr thiNk 4 oTHErs.. ??


tItLE ??!

tiTLE ??!
it shOUld b nAmE As.... ** zhaP BaHh LaNNg**

4 tEng ...
sAw uR bLOg jUZ nOW...
AltOt duNno wAt hApPEn of U... ??
bUt i noE u CAn SolVE tAt d..
duN 4gEt bEhind u , stIlL hAv uS... ^^
%% 时间可以冲淡一切 %%
cAn d...
bUT reALly nEed tiME...

7dAys did'nt c U d...
mISs ... xDxD
lEt shOpPinG AgN...  =P

u cAn fiND mE oSo gEH....
duN juZ kEep AlL iN uR hEArt...
u R nOt AlONE.. k ??  xD ^^

tK gUd K...
5 5 reCOVEr....  =D
gEt wElL soOn yArR...

duNNo hoW lONg tiME diN c d...
5 5 reCOvEr cuM OUt n lEt mE c..  =P

p/S : plS hElp mE reMind uR bRO...
        hE stIlL owE mE chOcOlAtEe... xD

2dAy rECEivE uR mSg....
lEt'S gO... ^^

hoW r u ??
wAitIng 4 uR bLOg upDAted... =)

sINce tAt dAy mEet u At mINEs..
did'nt c U d...
mISs mE lErh..??!! xDD
hAv A bIg bIg hUG... =p

my dEAr nEighbOUR.. AkY pAng...
hoW uR stUDy ??
+u Arr..

sMs u jUZ nOW..
u R nOW At sUNWAy U...
hoPE u rEAlly eNtEr wAt u wAn... =)

stIlL rMb thE boOK..
2 wORd >> 伟大

7 dAys did'nT c u tOo...
sO hoW.. ??
bcUM fAt d ?? xDD

bUt u duN hAv cOM nOW ...
wAteVEr.. jUZ tyPE.. =p
sAw uR nAmE whEn smS wiTh yOong...
duNNo wAt 2 sAy...@@

lONg loNG lOng lONg timE did'nt c u d..
4gEt ur fAcE loRrrr.......

6thH ,7tHh ,8thh ,9tHh......... ???!!


eArly iN tHE mORniNg...
yAm gONg...
deN wAkE up n gO ouT 2 tHE liVIng roOm...
cOntinUE zZZ... xDD

wAkE up n tAkE bAth...
deN hAvINg bREAkfAst wITh my fAmILY >> "dIM sUM" ^^
lONG tiME v did'nt hAvINg bREAkfAst 2gEthEr jOR..

afTEr tAt...
gO tS agN...
wiTh my SiS...
shOppIng thR.. =)
buT v juZ shoPpiNg tHR fROm aRouNd 1pm tiLL aROud 3.30pM..
jUZ hAv A qUICk wAlk tHR...
bUt v bOUght A loT of thINg tOo.. ^^

v wAlk ArOUnd thR 2 sEArch a bAg tOo..
4 my mUm bIRthdAy pReSeNt..
bUt v fAilEd ...

deN bAck 2 hoME cONtiNUE mY oN9 tIME...=)

diScoVEr SuMhing
whEn i typINg
 thE pOSt...
bUt iT iS lAtE..
mAyb it iS
gud 2 mE oSo..